If you didn't already know

I have officially shutdown this blog, but will remain to leave it up. I now currently blog on Jessica's and my own blog. The link is as follows:


Just a taste of what is to come...

I don't want to steal Jessica's Blog post but this is a taste of what she'll write about.

What I've been working on...

So lately I've been thinking about how we have tons of schools around here and all the rivalries and stuff. Ton's of people have gone to two different schools in the valley so I put together some MASH-UPS and am thinking about putting some of them down on vinyl. Let me know which ones you like.

World's Worst Bed and Christmas

When we moved into Lyndon and Missy's old apartment we already had a really soft firm queen sized bed. For the first year of our marriage it was fabulous, but then we moved and got an old KING sized bed from my parents. Well once you've had a king you can't go back to a queen. It just feels super cramped.

The problem was it was way too soft for Jessica and just a smidgen too unsupportable for my large behind. Jessica would go to bed every night swearing at the bed that she laid on. Then in the morning she would tell me how her back hurt and that the bed was giving her leprosy or epilepsy. Well I don't want my cuppy-up cake to get leprosy, so I, being a MAN, fixed it! BAM! I brought home some foam from work. This stuff is thick and soft, and when measured cut and sewn loosely together makes for a firm soft bed, take that Serta!

In other news it was Christmas and these are some things I got for Jessica

Also, we went to St. George for Christmas. While we were there we went to find where we had inscribed our undying love into the rocks the weekend we got engaged!



Land Ho!

Isn't she pretty? Be careful! She's smart.

We took Jessica brother, Cam, to help us find it. Which he did! Thanks Cam!

As it turns out it's on top of those angled rocks which you can see from the parking lot.

Can you see our car?


Well After we found it, we went for a drive and found a round-about with statues of horses in the middle. It was so pretty we went and played with them.
The horse whisperer.

Just like on the man from snowy river.

Trying to ride Indian style.

All in all it was really fun until we got home....

...our refrigerator had stopped working and we had been gone about a week.

Landlords fixed it and now we have a very clean fridge.

Chapter Four

The Land Rover tires continued to tear into newly damp soil flinging it all along the sides of the automobile. The young african slowly slid back down onto the floor where he had laid before. He now knew where he was and where the stranger was heading. Why was this white man heading

for such a small town? Either way, there was no point in fighting now. He knew that any act would likely result in being stuck in the middle of the wastelands that lay between river and cities. Vincent’s eyes were a glazed and even more clouded with thoughts of the past. They never saw the two eyes that watched him so carefully or the burning orange needle climbing over 80 kilometers an hour on this washboard trail. The dashboard was shaking violently when suddenly it stopped. Vincent’s thoughts snapped immediately to his environment. The wiper blades

moved slowly across the windscreen clearing, for a few seconds, a view of an embankment quickly falling beneath the automobile and a surging river only a few feet ahead. With another swipe of the wiper blades the land rover stuck the river head on and flipped over onto its top before rolling back right side up. In the back the young african clung to the back seat with all his strength but was flung against the passenger side of the car when the car rolled right side up. Dazed, he opened his eyes to see Vincent with a knife lunging for him. Water was swirling into

the car from every direction. He half turned but was unable to get away from the bright blade or the strong hands that held him once again. Vincent grab his hands and cut the bands and stowed the knife back into the pack. Vincent was yelling over the raging river. “Roll down the window!” As he said it he began rolling the opposite window down. Water now flowed even faster into the car. The Young African tried to escape through the door now behind him. Pushing with all his strength the door would not move. Vincent had now rolled down two windows and returned to

the young african. “Wait until the car is almost full, hold your breath and then open the door and swim for the shore.” The intense blue eyes bounce back and forth searching for some sign of understanding. When the african nodded slightly he moved back and waited near the center of the car. To the african he looked regal, like a captain going down with his ship. There was wisdom in his manners and the african decided to obey. With the car nearly full Vincent cried “Now!” The young African pushed at the door expecting a unmovable force to hold it closed as before, but to

his surprise it popped right open. Grabbing one last breath he swam into the now raging waters that fought past him and toward the surface. He was carried several feet away from car as it continued to move downstream but he quickly made it to shore and without even thinking continued to run toward the not too distant town whose lights danced and sparkled in the distance. He was beginning to pick up speed when something cold and cruel dug into his leg.

He knew about the crocodiles that infested these waters and was taught to never go near them.

Despair entered with crushing force into his soul and his face went blank of all emotion. Looking down he saw white digging into his flesh. Pure adrenaline surged his body and continued running, making it two or three steps with the creature until the weight brought him down. Turning and looking back at death, he saw the white man holding his leg with amazing strength, fingernails cutting into his leg. “Help”, was all Vincent could say.

*Feedback is graciously accepted!

Slug Club

In the Harry Potter book number six Dumbledore takes Harry potter for a journey to a small town.

When they arrive at a dilapidated old house they go inside.

The whole building is torn apart and with blood dripping from the ceiling, dragon's blood. A dragon looks like this:

or this:

In this house they found a once removed Hogwarts teacher named Horace Slughorn hiding as a small armchair.

Horace does, in fact, return to Hogwarts. Soon we are told of Slughorns past and his interactions with Tom Riddle.

But beyond all this Professor Slughorn is an insatiable networker and tends to "collect" the cream of the school into what is known as the "Slug Club." These were the elite of Hogwarts...Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ginny "stone face" Weasley among others.

Why am I giving away the whole plot of Harry Potter book six? Well as it turns out I'm in the slug club. No, let me rephrase that! I'm not an amazing wizard who takes a train to get to school and has a half-giant friends who almost kills me with every unknown creature there ever was and is the best seeker the quidich field has ever seen and has two other friends who always save my butt in really scarry situations with an unkillable villain and can speak parcel tongue and has killed a dragon and is filthy rich and popular.

Other then the parcel tongue I can't do any of that, but my teacher took out a "select few" students from the Senior Executive Class for a dinner to discuss weighter matters that the other students could only imagine of if they put the Wii controller down and read their books instead of the World of Warcraft cheat's guide.

So in short, Yes. I am in the slug club. Be jealous Ron, be jealous.


It's been a while, but that was so you could enjoy reading my book over and over again, and again. Lucky you, but lucky no more! After getting home from school every night at 8...What the 8? Am I in graduate school?...and Jessica returning from law school around the same time, we were ready for a break. So we ran away. Here are the photos!

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